For Immediate Release!

The Delta Mill Society and the Delta Community Enhancement Committee are thrilled to announce that, together with local theatre artist Rachel Marks, they are the recipients of an Ontario Presents micro-grant to bring COVID friendly performance events back to rural and remote communities! The project, Christmases and Festive Holidays of Delta: Past, Present and Future, was an idea pitched to the committees by Rachel Marks. Rachel thought a storytelling walk through Delta, retelling stories from residents, would be a great opportunity to fill a void that has been created in community arts since the onset of COVID. Cathy Livingston, President of The Delta Mill Society, asked if the project could take on a festive theme and all unanimously agreed!

“The idea is that I will start the project by putting out a call for stories and will interview residents for those. Then we (former RILTS members) will work on creating performances of those stories - either with actors or the teller themselves being the narrator! The walk will be about 45 minutes and will end at the Old Town Hall for the “Future” section of the evening where the children of Delta will let us know about their hopes and dreams for the future.”, says Rachel.

There will be two dates for performances: Saturday December 5 at 4pm and Saturday December 12 at 4 and 7pm. If you would like to be involved in any way - have a story to share? want to try acting? can help make lanterns or props? - then contact Rachel .


Links - check out these articles and interviews